My first month, my first time

My first month, my first time

After only being at Grow for one month, I feel like I am already a true part of the team. When coming to the realisation that it was time to put the pocket protector away and leave the calculator for weekends, I knew I was very keen to find a new career path. Being a […]

That’s it, I’m out!

That's it, I'm out!

People are going to leave your firm. It’s a natural fact of life. What do you do when it’s someone whom you want to keep who has handed in their resignation?   Currently, I’m working with a number of senior candidates who are either completely disenfranchised with their firm or are on the path to […]

4 Tips For Your Annual Review

Annual Review

It’s review time! That joyous time of year when you sit with your Manager or Partner and look at your billables for the year. What we’re seeing is a strong move away from purely looking at your numbers, and towards understanding what each team member brings to the organisation. Here’s what we’ve seen work well. […]

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