Two Years in…
A little over a week ago, Gary, Scotty, and I celebrated our two-year anniversary for Grow. Taking a moment to reflect on what has changed and where our growth has been was refreshing. Things have changed a lot between year one and year two, and here we are, another year wiser. Here are the three […]
That’s it, I’m out!
People are going to leave your firm. It’s a natural fact of life. What do you do when it’s someone whom you want to keep who has handed in their resignation? Currently, I’m working with a number of senior candidates who are either completely disenfranchised with their firm or are on the path to […]
4 Tips For Your Annual Review
It’s review time! That joyous time of year when you sit with your Manager or Partner and look at your billables for the year. What we’re seeing is a strong move away from purely looking at your numbers, and towards understanding what each team member brings to the organisation. Here’s what we’ve seen work well. […]
The End?
Conclusion This is part 6 of a 6 part series At the start of this project, the idea was to offer you, as a Partner in a firm, an understanding around how to attract the best people for your business. We ascertained that people are crucial to the on-going success of your business and therefore, […]
Searching. Always.
This is part 5 of a 6 part series We have established that people are your greatest asset in a professional services firm. You are selling the capabilities of your staff and therefore you must ensure that you have the best people surrounding you. 365 Day recruitment is the idea that you are constantly searching […]
Position Description vs Person Description
Position Description vs Person Description This is part 4 in a 6 part series When a firm is seeking a new person to join their team, they immediately look for the technical requirements of the role. Admittedly, technical skills are paramount. Personality and people skills are also important. If you’re working with a particular client […]
Culture? What culture?
This is part 3 of a 6 part series Vision, Values and Accepted Actions The culture of your firm is defined by the vision, values, and accepted actions. The synergy between these three elements will identify the type of people who will thrive in your practice. Having clarity around your vision will help you steer […]
Where are the gaps in your team
Gap Analysis in Conjunction with your Goals This is part 2 in a 6 part series Where are you going? Before you set out to find the right people to build your practice, you need to know where you’re going. This needs to be articulated clearly when you’re meeting prospective employees. People buy into […]
Building A People Strategy
This is part 1 of a 6 part series. Introduction Accounting and Legal firms have traditionally found it difficult to attract the right talent, at the right time. These industries, especially accounting, are undergoing a significant amount of change at present and the importance of having the right people on board has never been greater. […]
Goals – 2017 Edition
And we’re back folks! 2017 has come around and the year seems to have started with a bang. There seems to be a fairly even split between those who are busy, and those who are quiet at present. It’s not to say that any particular segment is busy, big firms aren’t necessarily busier than smaller […]