And we’re back folks! 2017 has come around and the year seems to have started with a bang. There seems to be a fairly even split between those who are busy, and those who are quiet at present. It’s not to say that any particular segment is busy, big firms aren’t necessarily busier than smaller firms, nor vice versa.
What is unanimous though is that people have come back with a real appetite to make something of 2017. A real hunger fuels them. People want to make 2017 count. This also means that they’ve come in with some real goals. Some massive targets to achieve – both personal and professional.
Firms are wanting to grow. People are wanting to find a change that aligns better with them.
Goal setting is emotional. People set goals and then life gets in the way and it all falls apart. After reading a fair bit of material on the topic over the break, it comes down to keeping yourself accountable and keeping the goals tangible.
If you need some motivation to get your head back in the game, this video is worth watching. Jim Rohn and Les Brown really hit the nail on the head. And they convey so much power with their voices. It’s quite inspiring!
Good luck for a massive year ahead!